Personal Advice
Do you want to take care of your finances but lack the time or know-how? Or perhaps you’re looking for someone who can support you competently and always act in your best interest?
Traditional advisors from banks and insurance companies are often not independent. They typically only offer their own products—often at high costs. The focus is frequently on individual products or investment solutions rather than considering your overall financial situation.
Many advisors also lack the necessary expertise and experience to provide truly holistic and professional advice. Even worse, the wrong incentives often get in the way of putting your interests first.
At STUZZ, things are different.
We work exclusively for you—fee-based, independent, and with a clear goal: securing your financial future.

Have you a good overview of your financial situation? Pension fund, vested benefits account, pillar 3, investment account, house, mortgage, private equity investments, etc. We analyze your situation holistically and independently, regardless of where your assets are held.
Do you want to know how to best achieve your financial goals? Whether it’s financial independence, retirement, starting a business, buying a home, or taking a sabbatical. We support you at every stage of life and help you make difficult decisions, such as choosing between a lump-sum withdrawal or a pension from your pension fund.
Is your money optimally invested?
Often, personal circumstances are not taken into account when investing, which means you may be taking on too much or too little risk. Or your portfolios are not aligned with your goals and investment horizon (e.g., a pillar 3a account that isn’t invested).
Are your investments tax-optimized to maximize your after-tax returns?
Are there providers and solutions that better meet your needs and are more cost-effective? Most of the time, you can save thousands of francs per year and achieve better returns.
Contact us for a free initial consultation. Our advice is fee-based, and we work exclusively for you.
We’re also happy to advise you on specific questions:
Are you looking for a second opinion on your investment portfolio? Unfortunately, unsuitable products are still being sold, which can cause significant financial harm in such cases.
Were you sold a combined savings and insurance solution for your pillar 3a? If so, listen to our podcast on this topic, and feel free to contact us if you’d like us to evaluate it for you.

Your return on investment
You do not need an expensive mandate from a bank or insurance company and you can take your financial future into your own hands.
With the relevant know-how, you can make informed decisions, protect your own interest and reap the benefits of your investments.
Invest in your education once rather than in overpriced investment products or services forever!