
Invest in your financial knowledge
You probably follow many accounts on social media that talk about investing. Despite everything, you still don't feel comfortable in this jungle of possible investment instruments (stocks, ETFs, Bitcoin, bonds, real estate, gold, etc.) and numerous providers. We would be happy to guide you through this "financial jungle".
Our courses bring structure to this confusion and after completing the basic course you will be able to make the most important financial decisions yourself. We also offer additional courses for specific topics.
Our goal is to equip you with knowledge and tools so that you can take control of your financial future and get the most out of your investments. If you know the basics, none of this is rocket science and we want to impart knowledge to you in the most exciting and understandable way possible.

Does a course make sense?
YES! The sooner you take your finances into your own hands, the better. But it is never too late to get started. We have advised people at the start of their working lives, before retirement and well after their retirement.
The biggest risk is that you leave your Stuzz, i.e. your cash, lying idle, as it continually loses value. A Swiss franc from 1914 is worth less than 10 centimes today and the situation is even worse for the US dollar.
A course should help you ask the right questions and make the right decisions so that your hard-earned money increases.